
Every Month, We Throw Events For Our HAYVN Community.

Explore what’s coming up and sign up for a HAYVNLY time.

Medicare Enrollment Done Right (3 Part Series)


Healthcare Pathfinder is conducting a three-part class series to assist people who are turning 65. We will guide you through the complex and confusing Medicare enrollment process.

Fall Into Shape with Linda Stephens


Keeping your body strong will not only show in clothing but it will help you manage day to day stressors. Strong body, strong mind.

HAYVN Health Summit


HAYVN HEALTH Summit invites anyone interested in wellness to come together at HAYVN for an afternoon of discovery, connection and learning—a chance for you to mingle, meet and connect with others in the wellness industry or interested in wellness and hear from trusted experts and women shaping the wellness industry across Fairfield County.

Wellness & Coaching Community

Members Only

Calling all Wellness & Coaching professionals! Join us in person at HAYVN to network with others in your industry.

Stories from Startups in Sustainability: Monthly Sustainability Group Meeting

Virtual or In-Person

Mike Geller of Mike's Organics and Heather Terry of GoodSam Foods discuss their sustainability-driven food brands and retailers journey. Join us monthly for a different topic focused on helping our planet, and ourselves, build a more sustainable future.