Part-Time Private Offices
8 to 12 Hours/Week in a Private Office
Don’t need full-time office space? HAYVN has flexible weekly private offices booked when you need — morning, afternoon or full day, which you can mix and match at both Darien and Greenwich locations. Includes basic mail, meeting room options, member events, workshops, and other essential amenities.*
*The EXTRA plan includes fitness center access and meeting room credits.
Strong Technology
Coffee, Tea
& Snacks
Conference Rooms
Printing Services
24/7 Access
Networking Events
In-House Professionals
Mail Address
HR Benefits
Podcast Room
Community Manager
Hey, we’re in the same neighborhood!
Call, Email, Come on in.
320 Boston Post Road
Suite 180
DARIEN, CT 06820
(833) 429-8659 or 833-HAYVNLY
(203) 244-7322