EWC (Entrepreneurial Women’s Collective) Monthly Meeting: Awaken Your Divine Leadership
HAYVN Darien, Darien, CT, 06820
Entrepreneurial women luncheon w/ Katya Libin, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of DFL, on stepping into your power, purpose, and abundance. Plus Member Spotlight: Lorenza Arnal, Capitana Adventures .
EWC (Entrepreneurial Women’s Collective) Monthly Meeting: Super Charge Your Social Media (Muthership Master Class)
HAYVN Darien, Darien, CT, 06820Entrepreneurial women luncheon w/ Helen Polise, Muthership, on secrets for social media success at any age w/out making it a full time job.
From Zero to Hero: Create a Winning Marketing Plan with AI
HAYVN Darien, Darien, CT, 06820María Fernanda Ordóñez, a Certified AI Expert, 360AdMedia, leads this hands-on experience to guide you through creating a complete, AI-driven marketing plan that delivers results.
HAYVN HATCH Darien: Female Founder Pitch Night
HAYVN Darien, Darien, CT, 06820Join us for our next pitch night and hear from 6 women entrepreneurs who are ready to grow! *Apply To Pitch by January 17, 2025 at https://forms.gle/TwYY99EGnQT4WbsA6