
Every Month, We Throw Events For Our HAYVN Community.

Explore what’s coming up and sign up for a HAYVNLY time.

Marketing Mastermind Group

Members Only

A peer-to-peer marketing mastermind where 8 experienced marketers meet weekly via Zoom on Mondays from 3-4 pm to share techniques and strategies. Members of the group will bring their challenges […]

Morning Meditation and Walk

Members Only

Join us for our weekly morning meditation with Maria Allen of BeeBrilliant and then a walk through Sellecks Woods! ADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members onlyCAN’T MAKE THIS EVENT?  Get on our […]

Get Found on Google: SEO Basics

Members Only

Join us to discuss "Get Found on Google: SEO Basics" with Nalini Goolsarran, CEO & Founder of EdgeSpace Marketing.   Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a mandatory marketing tactic if […]

The New World of Work Requiring MORE From You

Members Only

Join us to discuss "The New World of Work Requiring MORE From You."   In this live webinar, HAYVN member and guest speaker Eileen Springer, Executive and Career Coach, Founder […]

Marketing Workshop Series

Members Only

Led by Sue Yasav, VP Thought Leadership, Synchrony   Join us for this 6-session virtual marketing series designed to help small businesses launch and focus their marketing efforts. Every Thursday through […]

Marketing Mastermind Group

Members Only

A peer-to-peer marketing mastermind where 8 experienced marketers meet weekly via Zoom on Mondays from 3-4 pm to share techniques and strategies. Members of the group will bring their challenges […]

5 Ways to Get Going with Google (GSuite)

Members Only

Join us to discuss "5 Ways to Get Going With Google (GSuite)" with Nalini Goolsarran, CEO & Founder of EdgeSpace Marketing.   Google has tools and applications that are mostly […]

Morning Meditation and Walk

Members Only

Join us for our weekly morning meditation with Maria Allen of BeeBrilliant and then a walk through Sellecks Woods! ADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members onlyCAN’T MAKE THIS EVENT?  Get on our […]

Getting Started with Google Analytics

Members Only

Join us for "Getting Started with Google Analytics" with Viv Liu, adtech industry professional specialized in web analytics.   In this live webinar, Viv will give you an intro to […]

Marketing Workshop Series

Members Only

Led by Sue Yasav, VP Thought Leadership, Synchrony   Join us for this 6-session virtual marketing series designed to help small businesses launch and focus their marketing efforts. Every Thursday through […]

First Fridays: Bring a Friend to Work Day

Members Only

Includes social members - Bring a friend to work at HAYVN for the day!  ADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members only CAN’T MAKE THIS EVENT?  Get on our email list for future […]

New to the Hood: Drop-in Coffee Open House

Members Only

Are you a Working Mom or Entrepreneur New to Fairfield County? Welcome!   Do you like to connect with others, be part of a supportive community and continuously learn?   […]

Marketing Mastermind Group

Members Only

A peer-to-peer marketing mastermind where 8 experienced marketers meet weekly via Zoom on Mondays from 3-4 pm to share techniques and strategies. Members of the group will bring their challenges […]

Morning Meditation and Walk

Members Only

Join us for our weekly morning meditation with Maria Allen of BeeBrilliant and then a walk through Sellecks Woods! ADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members onlyCAN’T MAKE THIS EVENT?  Get on our […]

2021 Healthcare Open Enrollment

Members Only

Join us for "2021 Healthcare Open Enrollment: What you Need to Know and Do About It."   Healthcare Open Enrollment is around the corner. Are you, your family or adult […]

Happy Hour in the Courtyard

Members Only

Join us at HAYVN for a socially distanced happy hour in the courtyard. Bring your own mask and we will provide the snacks and beverages!   Featuring Cloudy Lane Bakery […]

Headshot Day

Members Only

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are struggling to grow their businesses and it isn’t right. If you put in the hard work, you should see a return on your […]

CT Next: How We Help Startups Survive and Thrive

Members Only

Join us for "CTNext: How We Help Startups Survive and Thrive."   CTNext is Connecticut’s go-to resource for innovation-based startups and early-stage businesses, providing direct support to the state’s tech-based […]

Marketing Workshop Series

Members Only

Led by Sue Yasav, VP Thought Leadership, Synchrony   Join us for this 6-session virtual marketing series designed to help small businesses launch and focus their marketing efforts. Every Thursday through […]

Thanksgiving Cooking Workshop: Sweet Potato and Apple Gratin

Members Only

Join us for our "Thanksgiving Cooking Workshop: Sweet Potato and Apple Gratin" with Carolyn Eddie, HAYVN member, Caterer and Founder of Carolyn's Absolutely Fabulous Events.   In this live webinar, […]

Marketing Mastermind Group

Members Only

A peer-to-peer marketing mastermind where 8 experienced marketers meet weekly via Zoom on Mondays from 3-4 pm to share techniques and strategies. Members of the group will bring their challenges […]

Members Breakfast

Members Only

Join us in the courtyard for a socially distant early morning gathering. Breakfast and coffee provided!   Featuring HAYVN member, Kristen Rzasa of Interplay HealthADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members only […]

Dare to Lead: Daring Greatly and Rising Strong at Work

Members Only

Join us for "Dare to Lead: Daring Greatly and Rising Strong at Work."   Carrie Skowronski, HAYVN member, certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator and Founder of Leadology, will share an […]

What Does It Mean to Cannonball with Confidence?

Members Only

Join us for "What Does it Mean to Cannonball with Confidence?"   Remember those days as a child when you had that fearless exhilaration. Those feelings of fear, or being […]

HAYVN Book Group: We Were the Lucky Ones

Members Only

  Join us for HAYVN's monthly Book Group to discuss "We Were The Lucky Ones" by Georgia Hunter.     Each month we focus on a book to help you […]

Virtual Members Breakfast

Members Only

Join us via Zoom for a "virtual breakfast" to get the latest HAYVN updates and meet some new members!  ADMISSION: FREE - HAYVN members only CAN’T MAKE THIS EVENT?  Get […]